Our Objective & Goals

Our Objective and Values

To make the teacher acquire relevant knowledge, skills and attitude in pedagogical methods.
To prepare teachers to become role models in class rooms to be an instruments for building productive human capital in our country to face the challenges of globalization.
To enhance the competency of the teachers at upper primary, secondary and higher secondary level of education.
To create a comprehensive understanding about pedagogical methods in organizing learning experiences for
To develop new skills required for teachers in organizing instructional methods using ICT.
The objective of the College is to introduce new orientation to vocational & management education & training courses to make it more relevant to meet the requirement of our country to generate more job opportunities for the unemployed youth. The Campus Institute is dedicated to the development of the new professional dimensions, generation and propagation of new practices and ideas which are feasible in the related field of specialization to achieve this objective on wider scale the Campus Institute conducts One Year Trade Diploma Courses
Hindi, Gujarati & English languages regularly as well as through Distance/ Correspondence Education Training Course This will develop the spirit of Entrepreneurship among the youth.
These features make the Open schooling system a learner-centered system where recognition is given to the sovereignty of the learner

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